quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2014

Treesofreverie's Read-A-Thon - Days 1 and 2

April, 24th

During the first day of the read-a-thon, I set down to read ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon. I wanted to read the whole book in one day but, unfortunately, real life got in the way. I managed to read 110 pages only. I finally finished it during the second day of the read-a-thon.
I am kind of in love with this book. It is funny, poignant, full of twists, and told by a very reliable first person narrator (if there is such a thing, but the narrator himself says he does not tell lies, because telling lies makes no sense). Even if he were a totally unreliable narrator, one couldn’t help but like him and trust what he is saying.
Christopher has autism and a life full of rules and patterns. He does not like when the patterns are broken, when someone touches him, nor the colors yellow and brown. His neighbor’s dog, Wellington, is killed one night, so he decides that he will solve his murder in the style of his favorite detective (someone in possession of a logic and clear mind), Sherlock Holmes. As he sets out to detect (as he often says), he discovers a lot about himself, his family, and the world around him.
It is a story full of ups and downs, mistakes, and changes. Christopher is a lovely character and narrator and the way he sees the world is unique, unique in its simplicity and its complexity. I lovely read for all those who are looking for a nice and thoughtful read.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

Now I’m off to read ‘The Adventures of Tom Bombadil’ and ‘Shatter Me’