Title: The Lies of Locke Lamora
Author: Scott Lynch
Series: Gentleman Bastard
This rating may have come as a surprise for the few of you who have known my struggles with this book, but let me tell you: I judged this book too soon.
This was my third try reading this. The first two times I simply was not interested enough to continue. I decided to try one last time and go till the end, no matter how boring it was for me. There had to be a reason for this book to be so praised. It started like the last couple of times. I was bored and couldn’t feel the story. But, to my surprise, two hundred pages in, I was sucked into the book and the world and just couldn’t stop reading!
Even during my two first failures with this book, one thing I was sure: the world the story is set in is awesome! This was confirmed now that I’ve read the whole thing. It is an ancient world, full of history and mystery. Camorr was built over the remains of an alien civilization that has long left the planet. However, they’ve left wonders for the humans to find.
The second thing that has called my attention since the first time: the characters. They are simply great. The more you read, the more attached to them you get. They’re funny, smart, brave, and completely stupid. They’ll do things that will make you roll your eyes, cry, or even laugh out loud. The friendship they have is amazing. And they’re all really badass.
The plot is interesting and the action doesn’t stop for one single minute. We’re always jumping from one place to the other. The interludes at the end of each chapter were great to help us understand the characters, their motivation, and also the way the world they live in is structured.
One thing I really enjoyed was the female representation. Even though the only female member of the Gentlemen Bastards is away and doesn’t appear in the book, it brings a great variety of interesting female characters that have the most diverse jobs: they are guards, magicians, spies, warriors, botanists, or sort of things. It is a breath of fresh air when it comes to fantasy.
Seriously, I’ve misjudged this book in the beginning. It was a solid five star after I’ve started really looking into it: fun, funny, action-packed, solid world-building, solid characters and narrative, nice plot twists. I really recommend this book.
This was my third try reading this. The first two times I simply was not interested enough to continue. I decided to try one last time and go till the end, no matter how boring it was for me. There had to be a reason for this book to be so praised. It started like the last couple of times. I was bored and couldn’t feel the story. But, to my surprise, two hundred pages in, I was sucked into the book and the world and just couldn’t stop reading!
Even during my two first failures with this book, one thing I was sure: the world the story is set in is awesome! This was confirmed now that I’ve read the whole thing. It is an ancient world, full of history and mystery. Camorr was built over the remains of an alien civilization that has long left the planet. However, they’ve left wonders for the humans to find.
The second thing that has called my attention since the first time: the characters. They are simply great. The more you read, the more attached to them you get. They’re funny, smart, brave, and completely stupid. They’ll do things that will make you roll your eyes, cry, or even laugh out loud. The friendship they have is amazing. And they’re all really badass.
The plot is interesting and the action doesn’t stop for one single minute. We’re always jumping from one place to the other. The interludes at the end of each chapter were great to help us understand the characters, their motivation, and also the way the world they live in is structured.
One thing I really enjoyed was the female representation. Even though the only female member of the Gentlemen Bastards is away and doesn’t appear in the book, it brings a great variety of interesting female characters that have the most diverse jobs: they are guards, magicians, spies, warriors, botanists, or sort of things. It is a breath of fresh air when it comes to fantasy.
Seriously, I’ve misjudged this book in the beginning. It was a solid five star after I’ve started really looking into it: fun, funny, action-packed, solid world-building, solid characters and narrative, nice plot twists. I really recommend this book.
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