quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2013

Book Haul: Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes has been my obsession for ages. Since I read my first Sherlock Holmes books I look everywhere for his next adventure, for my next fix of him and Dr. Watson.
The first Sherlock Holmes book I read was 'The Hound of Baskervilles'. I loved it, I loved how mysterious it was, the little addition of horror, the characters, everything. Even though I have read a lot more of Sherlok Holmes through the years, this book continues to be one of my favorites. I think it is because it sends me back to the past, to the day my 8-year-old self sat on her bed, with her book in hands, enthralled by the words in it. I have re-read it uncountable times, and surely will do so again in the near future.
Since that first moment, I have read everything I could: the 56 short stories, the 4 books, several pastiche novels, and a lot of fanfiction as well. I also have watched every movie/show/cartoon I can find. And I never get tired of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. Every new thing I find makes me very happy! It is another opportunity to dive deeper into their world and their lives and the mysteries. One more adventure, one more chance to get to know more about the greatest detetive and the amazing Dr. Watson (and about Moriarty a lot of times).
I hope this book leaves me as enraptured as I was the first time I read Sherlock Holmes. But, somehow, I doubt that magical and special moment could be revived. 

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